The challenge was to improve the experience of finding, reading, and downloading public healthcare dataset. For data analyst and data savvy users, the experiences was a hurdle because users were navigating through an unclear website architecture.
Role: Design Lead
Through design iteration and user testings, we learned and implemented an improved experience to retrieve public healthcare datasets. The web responsive website made it easier to find your datasets, understand it societal impact, and download it for your research.
Tasks: UI/UX Design, Interaction Design, Design System, Web Development Quality Assurance, and Rapid Prototyping.
(This website an unused concept for a federal medical data house. Client logo is blurred in screens below.)

The Story of the Datasets
On landing, we made search front and center for the expert users knew what dataset they need. For casual viewers, this page tells a better brand story of what to expect through this experience. There are areas to feature content, understand the architecture of the website, view Key Topics in Category pages, see interactive visualizations, and find data visualization tools.

Design System
For best scaleability, design for best reusability. I worked closely with the client's engineers on how web elements who look and behave to the users. I supported the design team to define the reusability of components for the content team. The benefit of the design system is it's the methodology that made the overall experience harmonious.

Find Your Datasets
The website is broken down into three overarching Category pages. Through these templates, there are features that users understands what category they're reading about and see all related healthcare datasets. Sub-topics are shown to users and recommended visualization tools for the datasets are linked. Later in the page, case studies about the dataset success are shown along with case studies.

The Details of a Dataset
Users are able to dive deeper into learning about the downloadable. Before making a decision to download datasets, the website breakdowns the specification of the dataset. We integrated technology to manipulate and get the accurate datasets users wants.

Made at Huge Inc
An unused concept but a beautiful collaboration between designers, engineers, product owners, content team, and scrum masters. The experience told a better story of a dataset and the client's mission to serve researchers and data-savy users.